New '70s Gamma World campaign, set in the U.S. ...
Rob - Ed "86" Dominic: Temporal Hypercognitive - (looks like Dean Matin)
Manny - Benjamin Crow : Photonic Magnetic (human mobsters, white eyes, red glow hue, magnetic)
Mike - T : Gelatinous Android (T100 liquid metal - looks shiny and metal)
Have a random Gamma Terra race generator!
Random Race Chart
Random Commoner Races in Gamma Terra (General World) d20
1. Hopper (rabbit humanoid)
2. Badder (badger humanoid)
3. Porker (pig humanoid) or Boar humanoid
4. Hawkoid (or other bird type, i.e. Ravneoid, Croid, Pigeonoid )
5. Clicky (roach humanoid)
6. Gelatinous
7. Human (roll d6: 1-3 altered, 4-5 normal, 6 genetically engineered)
8. Android
9. Plant humanoid (1.fuungoid 2.shroom 3.venus fly trap 4.bush 5.tomato 6.pumpkin)
10. Felanoid (roll d4: 1.Panther, 2.Tiger, 3.Lion, 4.Cat)
11. Cyborg
12. Lizard or Turtle humanoid
13. Insect Humanoid (Roll d4: 1.Arachnoid black widow-tarantula-daddy long leg, 2. Caterpillar-wirm-leech, 3. Atomic Moth Man, 4. Flea [tiny humanoid]/5. mosquito 6.bee-fly 7. praying mantis 8. scorpion)
14. Toad humanoid (Toadoid!)
15. Yeti or Primate Humanoid
16. Dabber (raccoon humanoid)
17. Anatomids (humanoids with rearranged features, i.e. limbs/features in wrong place on the body, etc)
18. Fish humanoid (salmon/starfish/crab/lobster/blow fish/octopus/lantern fish/eel/cat/shark)
19. Rhino Humanoid
20. Alien (little green men/woman, or other alien of DM's choice)
Random mutations & deformities d12
1. Extra somethings… roll d4 1. eye(s), 2. arm(s), 3. leg(s), 4. head(s) 5.hands 6.feet add random amount.
2. Small or oversized (roll d8: body/arm/leg/head/neck/ears/eyes/mouth)
3. Teeth as sharp as knives or tusks
4. Lower half is snake or slug like, instead of legs
5. Hairless or fully covered in hair
6. Missing an eye, limb, mouth (or even missing a head)
7. No skin, exposed muscles (partial or full), maybe a mask over the face to hide it etc
8. Odd colored skin/fur/feathers (bright green, etc.)
9. Rolls d4: 1.Antlers, 2.horns, 3.quills/barbed skin 4.spinal spikes
10. Wings (or wings missing where there should be per race type - or extra wings)
11. Tendrils or tail
12. Half traits absorbed from another race (roll two times on Common Race and combine)
13.Insect Skin/Flesh for insect
14. Exposed organs
15. Transparent: 2.body
16. Reversed joints
17.Siamese Twin (1-2same race or 3-4roll for another race)
18. Excess fat cells